Integrate SAP and MS Excel with BCC EasyInput 3.0 | All for One Poland

Integrate SAP and MS Excel with BCC EasyInput 3.0


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Join us for the webinar “Integrate SAP and MS Excel with BCC EasyInput 3.0”. The webinar is organized as part of the BCC DemoRoom – a presentation of solutions offered by the BCC Group and innovations from the IT world.

EasyInput is BCC proprietary solution which enables to run business transactions and process mass data in an SAP system (ERP, CRM, SRM, BW,…) based on the data gathered in MS Excel workbook. EasyInput also allows downloading data from SAP to Excel workbooks. It accelerates the user’s work and increases productivity. The highly improved, third version of EasyInput, allows for even better self-service by business users.

During the webinar our expert will present some examples of using EasyInput (entering master data, creating transaction data by means of MS Excel, reading data from SAP system etc.). Then we will show functionality (like the use of test and production runs, the use of SAP search help, preliminary data validation) and focus on the benefits of using EasyInput. At the end we will discuss some essential details like product configuration (SAP transaction recording, preparation of EasyInput template), requirements (SAP system requirements, requirements for the operating system, version of MS Office and SAP GUI) and licensing.

EasyInput can be used for:

  • data migration to an SAP system
  • uploading the cost distribution lists for costs settlement
  • execution of mass transactions based on the data gathered in MS Excel sheets
  • mass creation or change of master data
  • downloading the data from an SAP system.

EasyInput uses three technologies to connect to an SAP system:

  • Batch Input processing/ CAT
  • Remote function module call
  • SAP GUI Scripting

What makes the product unique is the comprehensiveness of the support of SAP – Excel integration process. EasyInput provides ready, empty forms for entering and reading the data; generates descriptions and control information for a user as well as prompts concerning possible values that are manually entered in the fields. EasyInput also includes possibility to run in a test mode, user-friendly handling of error messages or protection against the loss of processed data. All of this functions within an intuitive interface that is integrated with MS Excel, with the multi-language support and with the context-sensitive user’s manual available.

The solution is an out of the box product. It can be used immediately after its installation on a user computer. Configuration for a specific application can be done by business users themselves without the support of consultants.

More about EasyInput.

The webinar will be held on 17 October at 11.00 CEST. We would also like to ask you to pass on our invitation to other people in your company who might be interested in this subject.


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