SAP Solution Manager – tool for Business Process Monitoring | All for One Poland

SAP Solution Manager - tool for Business Process Monitoring


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Join us for the webinar "SAP Solution Manager – tool for Business Process Monitoring". The webinar is organized as part of the BCC DemoRoom – a presentation of solutions offered by the BCC Group and innovations from the IT world.

The complexity of IT environments and related business processes is so high that it is difficult to get an overall view of the status of the business processes occurring in a company. SAP systems continuously exchange data using several dozen interfaces to other SAP systems or third-party applications. In the case of a single failure it is often difficult to determine which business processes will be negatively affected. The Business Process Monitoring available in the SAP Solution Manager allows you to map the business processes and to monitor them proactively.

In most cases, IT administrators use automated tools to proactively monitor the infrastructure that they manage. The CPU load, RAM and file system usage, the status of connection between servers are just some of the hundreds of attributes that affect the availability and performance of systems. In large organizations, a dozen to several dozen productive SAP systems exchange information with each other.

ERP, BI/BW, WM, HCM, CRM, SRM, SCM and PI systems create an integrated environment where gigabytes of data are continuously transmitted. In addition, these systems exchange information with other systems outside the organization. With the overall picture of business processes at hand, you can immediately determine the impact of a single failure on the processes occurring in the company and take remedial action. The lack of such information may expose your organization to significant costs.

The webinar will be held on 20 May at 13.00 CEST. We would also like to ask you to pass on our invitation to other people in your company who might be interested in this subject.


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    1. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. – ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych.
    2. Administratorem Danych Osobowych jest All for One Poland sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Złotnikach, ul. Krzemowa 1 62-002 Suchy Las. Dane kontaktowe do Inspektora Ochrony Danych:
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    7. Dane osobowe mogą być udostępniane innym jednostkom należącym do grupy kapitałowej, do której należy All for One Poland sp. z o.o. – również znajdujących się poza Europejskim Obszarem Gospodarczym, w celach marketingowych. All for One Poland zapewnia, że dane przekazywane tym podmiotom są właściwie zabezpieczone, a osoba, której dane są przetwarzane, ma prawo do uzyskania kopii udostępnionych danych oraz informacji o miejscu udostępnienia danych.

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